Mapperley Village

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FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1967

Royal Charter, 700th Aniversary


But spirits high despite downpour

THE rain came down at Mapperley on Saturday afternoon, but even though the grass was dampened, the spirits of many local people were not, and a large crowd assembled around the village church gates to hear Captain P. J. B. Drury-Lowe announce the Village Fair open from the comparative shelter of his umbrella.

The occasion was the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the granting of a Royal Charter to hold a fair and market in the village.
In his opening speech Captain Drury-Lowe said that it was difficult to say when his family first held property in the area but it was believed to be in the nineteenth century. He added that the family now owned about 240 acres of land in the village.

He said that in, the early days of the Drury-Lowe connection with Mapperley the village was part of the parish of Kirk Hallam.
Mr, Hobson, one of Mapperley's oldest residents, thanked the organising committee of the fair for their efforts.
A deer, contributed by the Drury-Lowe estate, was given to the fair for roasting. Prepared by a local butcher, Mr. George Stafford, it was carved and put in rolls for hungry venison fanciers.


The village stocks, the unveiling of which was one of the highlights of the fair, were constructed in a base of concrete by a local builder. They are made of teak and bear a brass plate commemorating the occasion.

During the afternoon a fancy dress competition was held with cash prizes. Winner in the under-five age group was Sarah Shooter as Simons of Arderne. In the five to sixteen age group the winners were jointly David Clay and Ann Smith as a King and Queen. Mrs. Vera Powell, president of Mapperley Women's Institute, took first prize in the adult section.

A piano pushing race from Mapperley crossroads to the village was organised by the Ilkeston Drummond Scout Venture Unit. The result was a tie between the Ilkeston team and the Mapperley village team. Ten pianos were pushed in the race and upon arrival in the village competitors had to chop up their pianos and push them through old tyres set in the street outside the Black Horse. The race was started by ace wrestler Bert Royal.

A tug-o'-war on Monday was also won by the Mapperley team.

The historic Royal Charter was granted to Mapperley when Simone de Arderne was Lord of the Manor in 1267.

Commented Mr. B. Skinner, a member of the organising committee "We were quite satisfied with things as they turned out despite the poor weather. We were lucky to have a large marquee where all the events took place under cover."

Mr. Skinner observed from comments that had been made that it had gone down well with those who had paid a visit to the fair and they had not gone away disappointed.

Piano Smashing Competition
at the 700th Anniversary Village Fair

A piano pushing race from Mapperley crossroads to the village was organised by the
Ilkeston Drummond Scout Venture Unit

Expenses Statement

Income Statement


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