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Tales of a Pit Man Review

Thursday evening April 7th 2016 was our Tales of a Pit Man show performed by David Coleman in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Mapperley.  The event was organised in conjunction with Holy Trinity to form part of their 50th Anniversary Celebrations.

Performing to a sell out audience David’s story took us through the history of mining and of the working day of a miner.  It was hard, with accidents and fatalities all part of their daily life.  David spoke of a particular miner who was severely injured with many broken bones and injuries which seemed impossible to recover from and in fact died twice. That miner was David himself!  He spent 5 years in hospital and during that time wrote poems and stories which he uses now to pass on his knowledge of mining. His talk was very humorous but also serious when he told us about the hardship of many miners.  He had some very interesting artefacts on display including a miner’s lamp and a ‘snap’ box.

He spoke of his pride having known and worked with George Pearson who was his Training Officer at Moorgreen Pit in the late 60’s early 70’s.  He thought very highly of George. Many of you may remember him. He gave Holy Trinity many years of service.  It was made extra special as George’s daughters were both there Anne Ball and Lyn Reeve.

Thank you to Bill Skinner our MC, Joan Waterfall and Pauline Fearn for manning the door and raffle and everyone who attended for their continued support.

Elaine Sarson
Mapperley History

Photographs by Roger Wood

Mapperley History Coffee Morning Sept 2016

Shipley Hall, and the Miller-Mundy Family

Mapperley History Project On Wednesday, September 7th 2016, historical storyteller Pat Ashcroft performed to a full Old Black Horse pub in Mapperley Village, telling stories about the history of the local area. The pub was the ideal venue for Ashcroft to regale the crowd with stories of Shipley Hall, and the Miller-Mundy family that ran the estate from the 18th century. With tales of mystery, intrigue and scandal. Ashcroft opened the discussion up to the group, who in turn shared their own experiences and theories on the history of the area. The Old Black Horse Pub, under the new ownership of Nick and Cara, provided tea, coffee and biscuits, and all proceeds from the successful event went to The Mapperley History Project, established and run by Elaine Sarson, who organised this talk and to Leukaemia Research.

Ashley Carter, Writer.

Bishop's Badge

Background of the Badge by the Bishop


I have been considering for some time a way of marking my appreciation of the dedicated work of the many lay people who contribute so much to the life and health of our Diocese. I wanted to make some kind of award and it was at this time that Canon Ian Gooding showed me a medal presented to his mother in law at the time of her confirmation. Bishop
Bishop with badge

The medal dates from 1927, when the Diocese of Derby was founded, Bishop Edmund Courtenay Pearce, the first Bishop of Derby, arranged for it to be struck to celebrate this new beginning and copies were presented to distinguished members of the Diocese and to all those being confirmed in that year. I have arranged for a replica of this medal to be minted and mounted in the form of a badge.

Each year I intend, based upon recommendations made to me, to award a small number of these badges as a gesture from the Diocese to acknowledge outstanding service to the church.


Bill is the man with the grey hair and light suit  in the group going towards the Bishop

Bill Skinner was presented with this badge at a special service held in Derby Cathedral on Sunday 23 September 2012. The Bishop's Badge is presented by the Bishop of Derby as tokens of his appreciation for distinguished service to the church and community. The recipients have to be nominated by a member of the community.

The candidates come from all over the Diocese of Derby, which covers all of Derbyshire stretching over towards South Yorkshire and right across the Peak District and Derbyshire Dales. The badges recognise the significant work and dedication exhibited by individuals.

Bill has been a member of the Parochial Church Council since 1961, a church warden for 30 years and Treasurer for 41 years. Amazing!

Elaine Sarson
September 2012

Click Many Congratulations Bill, recognition very well deserved!

Mapperley Celebrates Queen Elizabeth's 90th Birthday June 2016

And Mapperley Reunion held at The Old Black Horse, Mapperley
On Saturday 5th April 2014



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