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Newspapers - 1900s - Page 1
Trying To Hang Himself.—Samuel Bell, a farm labourer, employed by Mr. Ford, Park Farm, Mapperley, was charged with feloniously attempting to kill himself at Mapperley on September 7.—Frederick Chiltern, a farm hand, spoke to having his dinner with prisoner last Sunday. They afterwards went to a publie-house and had a drink, and went back to the farm about three o'clock. Prisoner went towards the cow sheds, and as he did not join him again (witness) went after him, and found him hanging from a beam with cart rope round his neck. His feet were six inches from the floor. He cut him down and ran for his master. A doctor was sent for.—Mr. Ford, farmer, said he was fetched into his cowsheds last Sunday afternoon. Prisoner was the floor. When the doctor came they were two hours before they could remove him to the Ilkeston Hospital, where he had been till the opening of the court. —Prisoner's parents appeared, and begged that he should be allowed to go away with them.—His father said that some years ago he fell off a brick kiln on to his head and at times it affected him. They would get a doctor as soon they got home, and would not let him get out of their sight again.—The Bench under these conditions allowed prisoner to go. Nottingham Evening Post 22 YEARS IN DARKNESS. Particulars of the remarkable experience of Miss M. A. Moon, of Mapperley, Derbyshire, whose sight has been restored after being blind for 22 years, were published in the Evening Post yesterday, and that lady has now written to us giving further particulars. She states that after an operation last Saturday she was able to see the oculist’s face—the first face she had seen for 22 years. Since then she had undergone another operation, and she can now distinguish the difference in faces, can see pictures on the walls, and distinguish different colours. She is quite hopeful, too, that her sight will be fully restored in the near future. “Surely this is truly a miracle,” she writes. I can see all there is to see, but having been in absolute darkness for so many years the world seems entirely new and strange me, and therefore I am not able to grasp things quickly.” Note- See also article about Miss Moon - Nottingham Evening Post - Wednesday 20 October 1937 Dartmouth and South Hams Chronicle
BLIND GIRL CURED Blind for twenty-one of the twenty-eight years of her life. Miss Mary Moon, of the little Derbyshire village of Mapperley, has had her sight restored. The last thing she can remember seeing before going blind, she told a correspondent, was the village procession at Queen Victoria’s Jubilee in1887. Soon after she lost her sight through sunstroke and congestion of the brain. After spending nine years in a blind institution at Nottingham, where she learnt to knit and do chair work, she returned to her native village. Many doctors failed to cure her, and she was resigned to permanent blindness. Last September, however, she was taken to a specialist at Manchester, who treated her, with the result that just before Christmas she began to see glimpses of light. Gradually they increased, and now she can walk without assistance, and tell whether paper is blank or printed. She cannot read, she has yet to learn the ordinary alphabet. Sheffield Independent SIGHT RESTORED Story from Mapperley After twenty-two years of total blindness a young woman named Moon, who lives with her parents in the little colliery village of Mapperley is recovering her sight, under extraordinary circumstances. “In 1887 I had a prolonged illness following sun stroke and was kept in a dark room for three months" She told an ‘Express’ representative yesterday “ The first occasion I went out of doors afterward was to witness a procession formed in Commemoration of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee. I was only eight but the whole scene is indelibly impressed on my mind, because it was the last thing I ever witnessed. Shadows seemed to creep over my eyes, small objects were indiscernible and later larger ones faded from view, until at last I was plunged into total blackness. I was sent to the Midland Institution for the blind in Notting ham, where I stayed nine years. Nearly eight months ago my father told me that a companion who had been at the Institution with me had partially recovered his sight, and I decided to take the same treatment from a Manchester specialist. Just the reverse of what happened 22 years ago now appears to be happening. At first I perceived the difference from day and night. Now with my left eye I can distinguish large objects, and I am full of hope that before long I shall be able to see as well as I did 22 long years ago. Note- See also article about Miss Moon - Nottingham Evening Post - Wednesday 20 October 1937 Nottingham Evening Post TROUBLE BETWEEN RELATIVES. Before the Ilkeston Bench, to-day, an interesting case of trouble between relatives was heard. Izetta Meakin, the wife of Thomas Meakin, sen., now residing at Wharf Cottages, Mapperley Brook, summoned Georgina Meakin, the wife of Thomas Meakin, jun., of 26, Burr-lane, Ilkeston, for using threats on May 26th, the threats consisting of "a good shaking" and "would wait her opportunity!" The defendant denied the charge. Izetta Meakin came from Sheffield six years ago as housekeeper to Mr. Meakin, senr., and after two years they were married. This did not seem to suit Mrs. Thomas Meakin, junr., and thenceforward there was trouble, which culminated May 26th with the scene in which the threats mentioned were alleged to have been used. The defendant said she married the eldest son and the complainant married her husband's father, and there had been jealousy ever since. The defendant was bound over in the sum of £5 for six months and ordered to pay 8s. 9d. costs; in default 14 days' imprisonment. Mr. J. Ormond appeared for the complainant. Belper News - Friday 08 September 1911 FINE SHOW AT WEST HALLAM. Favoured with glorious summer weather, the annual show of West Hallam Floral and Horticultural Society, which was held in the spacious recreation ground, on Saturday, was every way a success. Like the majority of shows this year, flowers had to take a back seat, for on the whole the vegetables had made better recovery from the recent drought and were certainly quite up to the average. Potatoes were, perhaps, the best class in the show, but the apples were by no means out of the picture, a plate exhibited by A. Daykin being especially fine. Cucumbers were good, and so were marrows. Two collections of vegetables sent by the cultivators of cottage gardens were of remarkably good quality. Mr J. Herring, of Mapperley, offered a silver medal for the best cultivated allotment the boys of the Scargill Boys’ School, and this won by Arthur Durow. Sweet peas came out best in the flower section, but the stove and window plants made a bold show. The judges were the Rev. and Mrs A. E. R. Bedford, Messrs J. Walker (Manor House), —. Burrows (West Hallam Hall), and Reeves (Kirk Hallam), while the committee responsible for the success of the show consisted the following: Rev. A. E. R. Bedford, Dr. Adams, Messrs W. Bramley (chairman). S. Hart. W. Wathey, E. E. Raby. S Hunt, W. Barber. G. Toplis, H. Rigley. A. Daykin. W Bramley, G. Flint, J. W. Hart, F Flint, J. Derbyshire. T. Hawley, W. Toplis, and H Preece, with Mr H. Wheatley as hon. secretary and treasurer, and Mrs H Rigley as assistant secretary. The Dale Abbey Brass Band played on the ground, and the other attractions included sports and a football match between Stanley Common and Stanley Common Rangers. Mr J. Holt acting was referee. The girls attending the West Hallam School gave two pretty exhibitions of the maypole dance. They were trained by Miss Piggin the headmistress. The following were the awards: Plants and Out Flowers — J. W. Hart. 9 firsts, 3 seconds, and 2 thirds; T. Flint, 2 firsts, 5 seconds and 1 third; A. Daykin. 1 first. 3 seconds, and 3 thirds; H. Bailey. 1 second; T. Hawley. 2 firsts. 2 seconds, and 4 thirds; F. Flint, 1 second; H. Wheatley. 1 first. Fruit — T. Flint. 3 firsts and 1 third; T. Hawley. 1 second; J. W. Hart. 1 second and 1 third; G. Flint. 2 seconds; H. Rigley. 1 second and 2 thirds: A. Daykin. 3 firsts; T. Rigley, 1 third. Vegetables — J W. Hart. 14 firsts, 7 seconds, and 1 third: T Flint. 6 firsts. 12 seconds, and 2 thirds; T. Hawley. 4 firsts. 5 seconds, and 10 thirds; H. Wheatley, 1 first. 1 second and 1 third; H. Bailey, 3 firsts. 1 second, and 3 thirds: A Daykin, 3 firsts, 2 seconds, and 5 thirds. G. Flint. I first and 2 thirds. Poultry. Eggs. Rabbits, etc. — G. Flint. 2 firsts and 1 second; H. Wheatley. 2 seconds and 1 third; W. Everton. 1 first; A. Daykin, 1 third; Arthur Upton. 1 first; Walter Flint, 1 second; Fred Upton. 1 third. In the classes for school children the prizes were won by Wm. Keeling. Hector Martin. Arthur Durow. Cyril Toplis. Jack Toplis, George Keeling. Clement Carter. Stephen Bacon, Fred Upton. Leslie Carter. Myra Bacon. Gladys Luckman, Annie Flint. Ada Gregory. Lacy Flint. Clarice Toplis and Evelyn Burrows. Special prize winners were Hart (7), T. Flint (5?), H. Wheatley, H. Bailey, and T. Hawley. The results of the sports were as follows: Boys. 10 to 14: 1. Willis Hart; 2. J. T. Gregory: 3. David Bloor. 8 to 10: 1, Fred Upton: 2, Jack Eaton; 3. Edward Bedford. Six to eight: 1, Willie Hunt 2. Harold Painter: 3, Arthur Smith. Six and under: 1. Leslie Upton: 2, Peter Bedford; 3. Wilfred Hartshorn. Girls, ten to 14; 1. Hilda Hartshorn; 2. Eva Disney’: 3, Sissie. Eight to ten; 1, Ada Gregory; 2, Elsie Durow; 3. Hilda Peacock. Six to eight; 1. Ruth Elliott: 2, Phyllis Bancroft 3. Phoebe Gregory. Bowling at wicket; 1, John Toplis; 2, E. Burrows Derby Daily Telegraph FATAL ACCIDENT AT MAPPERLEY COLLIERY An inquest was conducted Mr. B W. Sale (coroner) on Tuesday at the Institute, touching the death John Morley (66), 6, Dorothy Cottages, Pimlico, Ilkeston, who died on Saturday. Gertrude, wife of the deceased, said she last saw him alive on the night of Friday, Aug. 1 about 8.30, when he left for his work at Mapperley Colliery. About 8.30 following morning she was informed that he was seriously injured, and later that he was dead.—Arthur Hardy, deputy the Colliery, said that on the morning of Aug. 2 he was told that there had been fall of bind. On going to the spot he found Morley underneath, and when he was extricated about an hour and a half later he was dead.—Thomas Hall, who was working near the deceased at the time, also gave evidence. —Dr. A. C. Adams, of West Hallam who was called, found deceased dead on arrival, and said death was due to suffocation.—A verdict was returned to that effect.Disclaimer - Copyright - Is this page correct? Something wrong or missing? Please let me know. Also contributions very welcome |