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Did You Know About Mapperley Churches? For lots more detailed information and pictures please see all of the below relating to the original church, the temporary church and the new church. If you have anything you can add, especially a photograph of the temporary church, I would love to hear from you. Elaine Sarson Know Your Village - Mapperley Church (1851-1966) Taken from the Parish Magazine September 2006 Mapperley Church as we know it today replaced the original church built on this site in October 1851. Mr Drury-Lowe of Locko Park gave stone from his Coxbench quarries for its construction. The architect was Thomas D. Barry of Liverpool and local builder Mr T. Brown of West Hallam was given the building contract. Not including architects fees, the total cost of the work was £728. Built originally with Two Bells. In November 1864 the church was licensed for marriages, a benefit to the residents, who before this date had to travel to Kirk Hallam Parish Church, registered for marriages from Mapperley. This of course makes it difficult for people today who are researching into their family history and cannot find their relative in the Mapperley church registers. On July 1st 1870 Mapperley finally became a separate Ecclesiastical Parish able to carry out all the services for the village. During 1886 major restoration work was carried out. This included fitting new hot water apparatus, providing a much improved heating system, re-paving the aisles and moving the existing organ to a chamber in the chancel. A vestry was also formed at the west end of the church. In 1890 five bells were fitted to replace the original two 1851 bells.
But Nationalisation changed all this. By 1959 the church finally became unfit for services and demolished. A temporary prefabricated building was provided by the Coal Board situated in the old windmill field. Parishioners were determined to replace their church, but this would take a further seven years of fundraising and negotiations, before the new church was finally opened. View Inside The Old Church
Mapperley Church (1851 - 1966) The original stone church was built on this site in 1851. Mr Drury-Lowe of Locko Park gave stone from his Coxbench quarries for its construction. The architect was Mr Thomas D. Barry of Liverpool and local builder Mr T. Brown of West Hallam was given the building contract. Not including architects fees, the total cost of the work was £728. ln November 1864 the church was licensed for marriages, a benefit to the residents, who before this date had to travel to Kirk Hallam Parish Church, registered for marriages for Mapperley. On July 1" 1870 Mapperley finally became a separate Ecclesiastical Parish able to carry out all the services for the village. During the mid 1950'S structural problems started to occur, when members of the congregation and choir witnessed strange 'cracking sounds' coming from the building. These were the first signs of mining subsidence; cracks appeared in the tower and walls, several roof tiles became dislodged. By 1959 the church finally became unfit for services. A temporary prefabricated building was provided by the Coal Board erected in the old windmill field. Parishioners were determined to replace their church, but this would take a further 7 years of fund raising and negotiations, before the new church was finally opened. Mapperley Church (1966 - to the Present) Although many of the parishioners were hoping for a replacement stone church, this proved impossible due to the unstable ground. The appointed architect was Mr B. Widdows who had to solve three important basic problems, to provide a building of sufficient size and quality, with a structure suitable for a site from under which coal had recently been extracted. The solution was a light weight 'A' framed building built on a reinforced concrete raft, capable of a certain amount of flexing without causing serious structural damage. A steep pitched building with laminated timber trusses provided the height and flexibility desired. These were anchored to the raft with hinged brackets, allowing the building to 'settle'. Large amounts of glass were used as a weight saving solution, also giving the view from inside the church of the surrounding countryside, intended to emphasise the association between God's creation and man's worship. Planning the interior was also kept simple by keeping the number of interior walls to a minimum. Saving further weight on the foundations was achieved by having no chancel or choir between the congregation and the sanctuary. Thus allowing worshippers to be part of, and not separate from the sacrament area at the altar. A black wall-mounted cross was designed to remind parishioners of the effect that the coal industry had brought to the village. Finally the Right Reverend Geoffrey Francis Allen, Lord Bishop of Derby, carried out the Service of Dedication for the Church of the Holy Trinity on Saturday 12" April 1966. As is customary at these events, the Bishop knocked three times on the closed doors with his pastoral staff. The doors were opened wide and the Architect presented the keys of the church to the Bishop, who then entered the building and performed the service of dedication and thanksgiving, giving back to the village a place of worship that had been missed for many years. This modern church brought visitors from far and wide wanting to see this modern new landmark. Nottinghamshire Guardian, Thursday, October 24, 1850 LAYING THE FIRST STONE OF THE NEW CHURCH, MAPPERLEY - The first stone of a new church at this village was laid on the 21st instant by the Venerable Archdeacon Hill, The ceremony commenced at 11 o'clock. About that time the principal persons of the neighbouring villagers, as well as a number of the poorer sort, had assembled to witness the event. A hymn was sung by the scholors of the West Hallam free school and prayers were read by the Rev. Newdigate, incumbent of West Hallam; the silver trowell was presented to the Archdeacon, and the stone was laid by him. He afterwards delivered a most beautiful address, congratulating the inhabitants of Mapperley on the advantage of having a place of worship so near their homes, and urging them to look for salvation by Christ, assuring them that if they rested their hopes on any other day they would fall like the house that was built on the sand. The dexology was sung and the people daparted to their homes. This church will supply a disideratum that has long been wanting. Belonging as the village does to the distant Parish of Kirk Hallam, it was next to impossible that they should go to their own parish church to hear the word of God, so that they have been obliged to go anywhere; but by the blessing of God this will not happen again and Mapperley will boast now of it's own church; simple in it's architecture it is true, but yet sufficient for the wants of it's inhabitants. Cover of Holy Trinity Magazine 1903 Holy Trinity Newsletter Circa 1903
Note the Baptism of Norah Alice Joyce ( Norah Czypak) Mapperley Village Memorial/ Lych Gate
Several members of the Mapperley Colliery Company attended the service to remember the Martin Brother's; Britus and Luther. The names of the three fallen, two were brothers, are inscribed on a tablet placed within the memorial gate in memory of George Harrison, Notts and Derby. Britus Martin - K.R.R. Luther Martin - R.F.A. who died for Country in the Great War 1914 - 1918. Their names liveth forever".
Invitation to the Dedication of the Lych Gate Ceremony The ceremony took place on Saturday May 13th 1922 at 3pm. The unveiling Ceremony was by Captain Drury-Lowe, followed by the Dedication of the Lych Gate and Consecration of the Churchyard extension by the Lord Bishop. The invitation was sent to Mr & Mrs R H Turner, Jeweller and Optician, 108 Bath street, Ilkeston Derby. Note the Mapperley, Derby stamp, posted 5 May 1922. The postage was one penny. My thanks to Mr & Mrs Turner's grandson, Mr. Harry Turner of Ilkeston for this wonderful gift Sketch of Lych Gate by Stella Brookes, local artist, 1991. Mapperley Holy Trinity, Lychgate War Memorial A lychgate is a porch like structure, often built of wood with a clay tile roof, over a gate found at the entrance to a traditional English or English style churchyard. “Lych” is old English/Saxon for corpse. The lychgate was formerly used, before there were mortuaries, at burials for sheltering a coffin until the clergyman’s arrival, which could be a day or so later. The lychgate could have seating for pall-bearers or vigil watchers. Whilst most lychgates date from the 15th century, the oldest known one is 13th century at St George’s churchyard in Beckenham in South London. After World War I a number of lychgates were built as war memorials and Mapperley was built at this time and dedicated in 1922. It was designed by prominent local architect Harry Tatham Sudbury. When building resumed after the 1918 Armistace, quite a lot of the first Council houses were designed by Tatham Sudbury for Ilkeston
Holy Trinity Mapperley's gates have been stolen. This is a despicable act, given that they were given in memory of those who served in the great war. Please, please contact Revd Gill Or the police on 101, quoting incident number 17 000 5166 13 if you have any information. Please share.
Derbyshire police said it is investigating an alleged theft from the Mapperley Lane church. Old Church Being Demolished 1964 Old Church being demolished. Taken from the Derby Dioceson News Sept 1964 Taken from the West Hallam and Mapperley Magazine Article March 2000 Holy Trinity Organ The organ was moved from the old church to the new Derbyshire Mapperley, Holy Trinity [N00469]
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