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School - Photographs Girls School Outing To Skegness 1923 Click Photo For Names 1921 Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal Oct 22
VALUE OF SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL JOURNEYS West Hallam Girls’ School. Visit to Skegness The Scargill Girls' School, West Hallam have paid a week’s visit to Skegness for their first educational journey. For months prior to the outing many arrangements had to be made; school dances, etc., being held to provide the necessary funds for the outing. All these preparations, and the various lessons on coast formation, sea-weeds, shells, etc., provided an endless fund for enthusiastic work. A detailed programme having been drawn and duly approved by the Education Authorities, the twelve senior girls, in charge of the headmistress. Mrs. Roe, entrained for Skegness, where comfortable apartments had been booked close to the sea. The educational facilities afforded during a week's stay by the sea are really surprising when once undertaken, and the amount of practical knowledge obtained incidentally has scarcely any limit. A solid week's work was accomplished by the girls under ideal conditions, and there is no doubt that the knowledge gained during their stay has been impressed upon their mind indelibly. Among the varied lessons taken in which the girls evinced keen interest were:— Coast erosion, examination and classification of the littoral flora and fauna, historical and geographical research, etc. With regard to the coast erosion study, the party drove to Chapel St. Leonards to allow minute examination of the breakwaters, also to Ingoldmells, noticing protective sandhills and effect of the terrific force of the sea where it broke through recently. flooding the land around. REMAINS OF A SUBMERGED VILLAGE Much interest was also taken in the submerged village to seen just off Ingoldmells point at low tide, this spot being in the vicinity of the termination of the old Roman road, constructed by the Romans as a barrier against the invading sea. This road began at Boston, passed through Wainfleet and ended at Ingoldmells. Hearing from an old seafaring inhabitant that at very low tide relics of old earthenware had occasionally been found by him while setting lobster pots, the party took the opportunity of inspection provided by a particularly low tide, and after diligent search among foundations, tree roots, etc., they were delighted to find several portions of old earthenware. A visit was also paid to the old-world village of Burgh and its beautiful church, on the tower of which was observed the beacon used in bygone days. Passing onwards through the village, a short stay was made at Orby Church where the vicar, the Rev. J. H. Edington, kindly conducted the party over his picturesque 12th century church, and explained many interesting features. One of the afternoons was pleasantly and profitably spent map modelling on the sands. After children have been accustomed to modelling relief maps in plasticine or clay—the mediums for expression work adopted by so many teachers—one can readily imagine with what zest the scholars carried out their operations in the firm damp sand on the sea shore and how artistic maps England can be made when sea weed takes the place of rivers, shells denote towns and “real" sea is allowed to surround the island as the tide comes slowly in after the map is completed. VISIT TO SEAL ISLANDS One never to be forgotten event was a trip by motor boat to the Knock Island Sandr, known locally as the Seal Islands. Some Boston fishing smacks were passed at close quarters on the way out, and when within a short distance of the Seal Islands many full-grown seals, which were basking in the sun, presented an unusual and fascinating spectacle to the eyes the inlanders. Suddenly the seals’ heads were raised, a few weird noises were heard, and they waddled and flapped their way down the soft sand into the sea. Having disappeared from view for a few minutes, much amusement was caused as one by one their heads popped up and were turned from side to side to view the intruders. The appearance of the seals’ black heads and ‘Old Bill ’ moustaches was quaint in the extreme. During their stay the girls made collections of the numerous specimens of sea-weed, shells, and maritime plants which, since their return, have been classified and placed in the museum. The scholars have undoubtedly benefited very considerably, both physically and intellectually, as a result of their journey and the knowledge they obtained is gaining in value as they relate their varied experiences and observations to their schoolmates. 1922 Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal June The senior scholars of the Scargill Girls’ School West Hallam have paid a week’s visit to Skegness for their second annual educational journey, and it proved even more successful than that of last year. In order to obtain the funds necessary for the undertaking concerts were held during the past winter and various social functions arranged to bring grist to the mill with the result that a considerable sum was raised, thus enabling the headmistress (Mrs. A. Roe) to carry out the extensive programme under the best possible conditions. From an educational point of view the value of the school journey is very far reaching, as the various subjects, history, geography, nature study, etc., are not only taught under ideal conditions but the children being actually on the spot have the advantage of personal observation, which invariably creates life-long impression. TRAVEL IS EDUCATION Travelling is particularly a valuable form of education. It widens the outlook upon life, makes one self-reliant, and tends to lessen that self-consciousness which is so frequently a failing with the young. This in itself is a great feature of the school educational journey irrespective of the instruction given during the visit. It creates the sympathetic relationship so essential between teacher and child if the best results are to obtained. Thoughts are expressed more freely than under the classroom regime, plans discussed, and conversation carried on fluently on school and social subjects. This element cannot fail subsequently to reveal itself in the classroom, thus making the life at school happier and better in every respect, because it creates the love of discussion and fosters a spirit of debate. The programme for the week's work having been approved by the Derbyshire Education Committee, the girls, in charge of the headmistress, entrained for Skegness in high spirits and arrived at their destination shortly after 10 a.m., comfortable apartments having been booked in close proximity to the sea and sand hills. STUDY UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS A successful week’s work was accomplished under ideal climatic conditions. Among the various lessons taken, in which the girls evinced keen enthusiasm were: Examination of the flora and fauna, historical and geographical research, coast erosion, etc. The party drove to Chapel St. Leonards for the purpose of studying the breakwaters and protective sand hills, and took the opportunity of inspecting the Norwegian ship Inckie which was wrecked there in a gale during the winter, owing to magnetic disturbances which affected the compass. Much interest was also evinced in a visit to the old Roman town of Burgh-le-Marsh with its fine old church and beacon. Wainfleet, also an old Roman town which in early days was a shipping haven of no mean importance, and possessed its own mint was visited, and afforded scope for interesting study. One of the special features of the week was a visit to the old submerged village, to be seen just off Ingoldmells point at low tide, this spot being in the vicinity of the termination of the old Roman road constructed by the Romans as a barrier against the invading sea. This road began at Boston, passed through Wainfleet. and ended at Ingomells. Here also were observed the remains of old clay reaches and pottery kilns. It was at this spot girls of last year’s party found one of the old Roman handmade bricks and various earthenware relics. Portions of the submerged forest were also minutely examined. COAST EROSION A practical illustration of coast erosion was observed by the girls. The remains of an old farmhouse, battered by the waves and now standing on the beach, duly came in for its share of investigation. There was natural astonishment at its position, but one of the drivers of the conveyance soon enlightened the girls at this point, observing, ‘Sea comes up terribly high here at times in winter. Why in 1913 that old ruin was a farmhouse with people living in it, standing as it might be over there’’ (pointing inland.) One of the afternoons was pleasantly spent map drawing on the smooth sand at low tide. The scholars modelled with zest their relief maps in the firm damp sand using seaweed for rivers and shells for towns. During their stay the girls made extensive collections of numerous specimens of seaweed, shells, and maritime plants which, since their return, have been classified and placed in the school museum. The return journey was made the following Saturday, the girls looking the picture of health and ample proof has again been given that their school journey has been of much benefit both physically and intellectually. A New GIRLS SCHOOL at West Hallam 1852 => Click Photo For Names - Click Photo For Names - - Click Here For More Information About Mr Raby - Disclaimer - Copyright - Is this page correct? Something wrong or missing? Please let me know. Also contributions very welcome |